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Tree ReflectionShara Sand, Psy.D. Psychologist
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For complete articles, please contact me with your request.

Sand, S. (Anticipated 2015). "Coming out, being out: Reconciling loss and hatred in becoming whole". Psychoanalysis, Culture and Society.

Pepper, B. & Sand, S. (Submitted February 2014). "Internalized homophobia and dating violence in same sex relationships". Journal of Aggression Maltreatment and Trauma.

Sand, S. (2014). Review of the book, "Melodies of the Mind: Connections between Psychoanalysis and Music". Routledge, NY, NY. PsyCritques.

Sand, S. (2012). "When the patient is gay: Psychodynamic reflections on navigating the medical system." In The Interpersonal Dimension of Modern Medicine: Insights for Clinicians, Patients and Families, M. O'Reilly-Landry, Editor, London: Radcliffe Medical Press.

Sand, S. (2012). Review of the book, "For the Ferryman: A Personal History" Charles Silverstein (2011). Chelsea Station Editions, New York, NY. Division 44 (APA), Society for the Psychological Study of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Issues Newsletter, 28 (1).

Sand, S. (2009). "To reveal or not to reveal, that is the question". Lesbian & Gay Psychology Review, 10 (1), 23-26.

Sand, S. (2008). "The story of an accidental academic activist and what she found along the way". The Psychoanalytic Activist, Newsletter of Section 9, Fall #15, Division 39 of APA.

Sand, S. (2007). "Future Considerations: Interactive identities, interactive selves". The Psychoanalytic Review, 94 (1), 83-97.

Sand, S. (2006). Review of the book "Lesbians, Feminism and Psychoanalysis". Psychology of Women Quarterly, 93, 85-86.

Sand, S. (2004). "Coming out and being out: The liberation and danger of exposure". Division 39 (APA), Psychologist-Psychoanalyst, 24 (2), 15-16.

Sand, S. (2004). "Coming out and being out: The liberation and danger of exposure". Division 44 (APA), Society for the Psychological Study of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual Issues Newsletter, 20 (1), 14-16.

Sand, S. (2003). "Gender gaps". In Beyond the Pale, M. Massaro (Ed.). Santa Clara, CA: Diogenes Publishing

Sand, S. (2001). "Daring desire: Lesbian sexuality in popular music". In Sexualities Lost and Found: Lesbians, Psychoanalysis and Culture, S. Kiersky & E. Gould (Eds.). Madison, CT: International Universities Press.

This paper examines lesbian sexuality in popular music and the expressions of gender and desire that lay bare the multiple, often seemingly contradictory identifications that occur among lesbians. I will attempt to dislodge lesbian desire from the heterosexual, phallocentric paradigm often used to understand sexual expression between two women. To do so, I will use deconstructivist theories of gender and identification as well as theories of audience studies to ground my examination of two lesbian performers highly visible in the landscape of popular music, Melissa Etheridge and k.d. lang. Their performances provide a unique forum in which aspects of lesbian sexuality are expressed, particularly the ability to play with gender and enact a multiplicity of positions vis-à-vis their partner.

Sand, S. (2001). Review of the book "The Ultimate Guide to Pregnancy for Lesbians". The Lesbian Review of Books, 7.

Sand, S. & Simoni, J. M. (2000). Review of the book "That obscure subject of desire: Freud's female homosexual revisited". Sex Roles: A Journal of Research.

Suchet, M. & Sand, S. (1999). "Performing desire: Musical expressions of female sexuality". Psychoanalysis and Contemporary Thought, 22, 365-380.

Traditionally it has been extremely difficult in mainstream culture for women to express their power subjectivity and desire. However, as psychoanalytic theory has been reworking notions of gender and sexuality, so has there been a concomitant cultural revolution in the world of women in rock n' roll. We will discuss the performances of two women in rock n' roll, Melissa Etheridge and Alanis Morissette. The images they present are of powerful women who express their gender and sexuality in every movement as they negotiate complex, multiple identifications. If according to Butler (1995), performance represents the acting out of unacknowledged loss, then we are witnessing an attempt at acceptance of those disavowed gender identifications and desires rather than the melancholic incorporation of their loss.

O'Dowd, M.A., Gomez, M. F., Sand, S., Klein, D.A., Marconi, M., (1999)."Delivering mental health care to HIV+ individuals: A comparison of two models". Psychosomatics, 40 (4), 321-324.

Data on a total of 113 initial psychiatric evaluations performed in 1995 were compared to assess whether on-site psychiatric consultation provided in an infectious disease clinic for HIV-positive/AIDS patients improved compliance and were preferred by staff to evaluations performed in a specialized AIDS psychiatric program. Compliance with initial appointments remained below 50% in both settings, but more patients seen in the ID clinic had received prior psychiatric treatment and medication and they were more likely to receive a psychotropic medication at this initial visit. The ID staff preferred on-site consultations. Stationing psychiatric consultants in the ID clinic may reach a more impaired population but did not improve compliance with the initial visit.

Sand, S. & Levin, R. (1997). "Music and its effect on dream content: An empirical analysis". Dreaming, 7, 215-220.

The present study examines music as a pre-sleep stimuli and its effect on dream content. 47 subjects, all musicians, volunteered to participate. 20 subjects completed the experimental protocol and a total of 60 dreams were analyzed by the following dream scales: Hostility and Anxiety (Gottschalk, Winget & Gleser, 1969), Referential Activity (Bucci & Kabasakalian-McKay, 1992), Primary Process Thinking (Auld, Goldenberg & Weiss, 1968) and Boundary Disturbance (Lerner, Sugarman & Barbour, 1985). The results were significant for an increase in primary process imagery in dreams, with exciting music having the greatest impact, followed by calming music and the baseline condition. Hypotheses regarding hostility, anxiety, boundary disturbance and referential activity were not confirmed.

Sand, S. & Levin, R. (1996). "Concordance between the Hartmann Boundary Questionnaire and the Eysenck Personality Inventory". Perceptual and Motor Skills, 82, 192-194.

To assess concordance between the Hartmann Boundary Questionnaire and the Eysenck Personality Inventory, 35 subjects, all musicians, completed both measures. A significant correlation of .50 was found. Thus, the construct of boundaries as an aspect of personality is further validated.

Sand, S. & Levin, R. (1992). "Music and its relationship to dreams and the self". Psychoanalysis and Contemporary Thought, 15, 161-197.

There has been little scientific investigation of music and its psychological and physiological effects on the listener. This paper will examine music as a powerful stimulus. A theoretical focus on the phenomenological aspects of music, auditory experience, psychoanalytic thought, and music's relationship to dreams will be followed by an empirical overview of the psychological and physiological effects of music. Rapid eye movement (REM), hemispheric laterality, and their relevance to both music and dreams will also be examined. The latter half of this paper is devoted to an exploration of music and dreams from a self psychological perspective. The concept of self, selfobjects, and the function of dreams will be reviewed within this model. Music will be examined utilizing the experience of matching and twinship selfobjects. Finally, music and dreams will be seen as unique experiences of the self and serving similar intrapsychic functions, vital to the maintenance and integration of the self-system.
